Geometrics small dish in yellow, brown and blues

Geometrics small dish in yellow, brown and blues


This dish is created layering different colours of glass one over the other, sometimes up to 18mm high and then fusing them at a high temperature. Hot glass needs to get to 6mm (that's just the way it works!) and so it spreads a little to ensure that the overall thickness is as near to 6mm as possible.  It is a time consuming process to get the dimensions and colour coordination right, particularly as I like to make them a little higgledy-piggledy, instead of all the pieces begin exactly the same size. 

This little dish (the pic on the top left shows the colours best) uses sunflower yellow, turquoise blue, walnut brown, lemongrass and swirly blue and white.

Dimensions 11 x 11 x 1cm



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